
Business Administration (MBA)– STEM Designated Degree Program


Business Administration (MBA)– STEM Designated Degree Program

在费利西亚诺商学院, we are driven by a single goal: to prepare business leaders for success.

Our rigorous MBA programs can help you propel your current career to the next level or shift gears and explore new directions.  我们提供您所需要的灵活性, 带着创新, agile curriculum that develops your talents and skills — while accommodating your work schedule.

Our cohort structure maps out a lifelong professional network, 从一个多元化的团队开始, ambitious fellow students who will work with you throughout your program. Courses taught by top-tier professors sharpen your analytical skills so you can navigate the complex, 快速变化的商业世界.

我们的MBA课程提供会计专业, 金融, 国际业务, 管理, 及房地产开发, that can be declared after admission into the MBA program. For more information about each concentration, 请访问 the 大学学术网页.

You will engage and connect with the business community through our Executive Speaker Series, 研究和实习机会. And you will gain a global perspective through a faculty-led international trip exploring the challenges and potential of an emerging economy.

Visit the 费利西亚诺商学院 website at the links below for more information about the different options for pursuing your MBA with 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学.

  • Weeknight Hybrid MBA – This program format gives you the option to earn your General MBA or a concentration in 24 months. The program enables you to learn the way you work and live today, 无论是面对面的还是在线的, 实时地. *This program option is not suitable for international students on F-1 student visas.
  • 全日制MBA This program is designed for recent graduates and early career professionals. Students in this program are prepared for the workforce through immersive career development experiences. Core MBA courses are enhanced by lessons in leadership, live consulting, and internship projects. 全日制MBArogram may be completed in one year, on an accelerated schedule, or in 1.5至2年. *International students on F-1 student visas are eligible 对于这个项目 option, 通常在1年内完成.5至2年. 
    • 1 year accelerated- may be completed in one year on an accelerated schedule (只限秋季入学)
    • 1.5 - 2年 (秋季及春季入学)
  • 在线MBA – We offer a 100% online MBA program (with a choice of seven unique specializations), 哪些可以在24个月内完成. The program will help pave the way to career success and provide graduates with a competitive advantage in today’s global marketplace. Our 在线MBA is ranked by the Princeton Review as a Top 50 在线MBA Programs for 2023. *This program option is not suitable for international students on F-1 student visas. F-1 students are eligible to apply for the Full-Time MBA Program.

请参阅我们的 学习计划 page for a comprehensive list of all of the graduate programs offered within the university.


The 研究生招生办公室 requires the equivalent of a U.S. bachelor’s degree in order to be eligible to apply for a graduate program. 非大学申请人.S. 学位,请访问 国际学生申请页面 检讨联合国.S. 学位等效信息.


In order to make applying for graduate school as seamless as possible for you, we have
创建一个应用程序检查表. This checklist can be a reference point for you during the
application process to ensure that you have a comprehensive understanding of the steps
needed to apply, as well as all of corresponding supplemental materials for your specific

  • 申请的最后期限:滚动入场.
    • 秋天和春天: Completed applications should expect to receive an admission decision within 14 business days. Please note that the current semester is our priority, 如果你提前6个月或1年申请, it can take up to 30 days or longer to receive a decision.
  • Submit Online Application: Please submit your application by following the 一般应用说明. Follow the instructions in the application to apply the waiver for the application fee when you submit your application. 一旦这一步已经完成, the online portal will allow you to upload your supplemental materials.

The following is a list of the supplemental materials that will accompany your application for 工商管理(硕士BA) program:

  • 文字记录:每个大学都有一名学生
  • Essays/Personal Statement: – Please write a personal statement of your professional objectives. 这条语句, 篇幅1-2页, is your opportunity to explain your reasons for seeking the MBA degree. 你可以讨论以下任何一个话题:
    • Your ultimate career goals, and the ways in which you expect the MBA to advance them.
    • Personal and/or professional accomplishments that demonstrate your ability to master new challenges.
    • Gaps in your existing knowledge or experience that affects your job satisfaction or productivity, 你相信MBA会解决这个问题.

    Please note that this statement is your opportunity to demonstrate your written communication skills as well as your interest in the MBA.

  • 推荐信: 可选 (不需要)
  • 简历:需要
  • 标准化考试成绩:GRE或GMAT可选
  • 非大学申请人.S. 学位,请访问 国际申请人页面 查阅美国同等学位资料.

For more information about the curriculum of the Business Administration program options, 请访问 工商管理(硕士.B.A)大学目录中的课程列表


If you have any general questions regarding the application process and requirements, 请发邮件或致电我们:
电子邮件: graduate@hebhgkq.com
电话: 973-655-5147

If you have specific inquiries regarding the Master of Business Administration program, 请联系:

项目协调人: Dr. 妮可·柯柏走

*在夏季, there will be a rotating department chair available to answer your inquiry. 点击此处查找 新款夏季椅 对于这个项目.