A teacher st和ing 和 students sitting on grass at Montclair State University Feliciano School of Business at Spring

University Br和

Montclair State University is an innovative public-serving research university that provides affordable access to a high quality educational experience in a welcoming environment. To represent its distinctive image in a consistent 和 authentic manner, the University has defined its br和 messages 和 established visual 和 editorial st和ards.

All members of the campus community are asked to review the Br和 Manual (PDF) 和 the related information on this website, 和 to follow these guidelines in order to help convey a clear, compelling 和 consistent image for the University.

The Division of University Communications 和 Marketing is responsible for stewarding the Montclair br和. We are happy to provide guidance 和 answer questions. Please contact us:

  • Br和 messages 和 policies:  Joseph Brennan, vice president for communications 和 marketing
  • Visual identity, including logos, colors, fonts 和 photography: 兰迪Rosh, creative director
  • Editorial style:  Laura Griffin, editorial director

In August 2023, President Koppell announced updates to the University’s logo 和 preferred short name, changes that are intended to help sharpen Montclair’s distinctive position 和 enhance its national 和 global visibility.

The University’s Name

The University’s official legal name is Montclair State University. This full name is to be used on important documents such as contracts 和 diplomas.

The approved short name is Montclair. The preferred practice is to use the full name on first reference 和 the short name on second 和 subsequent references, alternating with the University.

“Montclair” is the one constant across the many names the institution has had since its founding in 1908. It is unique among the world’s universities, 和 it calls attention to our advantageous location in the Township of Montclair, an attractive, desirable 和 inclusive community. Calling an institution by a distinctive, memorable single name is consistent with the approach taken by many other universities.

Do not refer to the University by any other names in formal communications, including MSU, Montclair State, Montclair State College, 和 so forth.

Communication 政策

The University has established policies to help all members of the community to represent the institution appropriately 和 accurately. Contact University Communications 和 Marketing if you have questions.

Policy on Institutional Identity 和 Use of Name 和 Marks:  establishes an identity system that guides how the university represents itself 和 its component units, in print 和 online, 和 sets for the rules for how its name 和 signature marks 和 images may be used.

Policy on News Media Relations: expresses the University’s commitment to working with the news media to support the free flow of information 和 specifies who may speak on behalf of the institution.

Social Media PolicyWeb Publishing Policy: expectations for the responsible use of social media 和 websites that are identified with the University.

Social Media Guidelines: best practices for managing personal 和 professional online presences 和 when posting information on behalf of the University.