文学士-戏剧研究 – Teacher Education Concentration


的 Teacher Education Concentration of the BA in 的atre Studies offers a clear and tangible career path for students passionate about the relationship between theatre and citizenship who wish to pursue careers as theatre educators, allowing students to benefit from MSU’s tradition as an institution for excellence in teacher preparation.  This pre-professional focus emphasizes Humanistic exploration and requires an integration of research and practice that BA students are uniquely prepared for, providing the necessary course work in theatre studies, liberal arts general education and pedagogy. 


的 BA in 的atre Studies with a Concentration in Education makes use of the program’s innate flexibility to incorporate course work in theatre studies, liberal arts general education and pedagogy, and culminates in a professional semester of student teaching in order to meet the requirements of the Teacher Education Program at MSU, the State of New Jersey 的atre Certification: P-12 Certificate of Eligibility with Advanced Standing (CEAS) as well as the requirements for accreditation as specified in the National Association of Schools of 的atre accrediting standards. 

View BA 的atre Studies with Education Concentration Curriculum

Students have the opportunity to complete theatre education 实习. For example, students have worked with SAY: 的 Stuttering Association for the Young in New York City in a drama therapy internship and served assistant director on a bilingual youth production at Luna Stage. In the second semester of their senior year, students complete an in-the-field student teaching assignment, working alongside a certified theatre teacher in a local public school. 的 Department also has a close relationship with STANJ, the Speech and 的atre Association of New Jersey, the largest professional organization for teachers of theatre in the state. STANJ provides a variety of workshops and professional development opportunities for aspiring teachers.


More than 75 permanent faculty members and visiting professionals – including internationally renowned celebrity guest artists and artists-in-residence – mentor our 戏剧和舞蹈 students each semester. 这些专业人士教授, choreograph and share insights (gleaned from their professional experiences in the “real world” of dance) with students in workshops and master classes. Faculty mentoring often leads to opportunities beyond the classroom.

教育与公共服务学院 offers nationally recognized programs for aspiring professionals in the field of 教与学. Each individual program within the College has a strong foundation in the liberal arts, and students are encouraged to combine their course of study with 实习,实地考察和学生教学. We know how crucial education is in shaping the world we live in, and our passionate faculty is dedicated to passing along their knowledge and expertise to the next generation of professional educators.的 Department of Teaching and Learning offers rigorous training, 创新研究, and a network of partnerships to prepare teachers for the reality of schooling and to be equipped to recognize and disrupt systemic and social inequality.


十大博彩推荐排名州立大学拥有卓越 性能设施 with impressive technical specifications, including six well-equipped theatres: the state-of-the-art Alexander Kasser 的ater; the 946-seat Memorial Auditorium; our 2000-seat amphitheater, 和亲密的L. 霍华德福克斯剧院.

This exceptional range of performance spaces reflects industry opportunities and prepares students for future performances in a variety of settings. 给未来的教师, it provides exposure to producing work in a wide variety of spaces, from classrooms to fully equipped professional venues, mirroring the wide variety of spaces utilized by theatre programs in schools.


的 degree is geared toward preparing educators who intend to work in public, 私人, 还有教区学校. 超出了公立学校的范围, there is also a need for theatre professionals with experience in teaching in charter schools, 私立学校, 私人工作室, and theatre education programs that are a part of theatre companies. Many professional theatres have a theatre education wing or an emphasis on theatre education. 仅在新泽西, 这包括NJPAC, 造纸厂剧场, 两河剧院, 来自剧院, 月球舞台.


有关申请指引,请浏览 部门招生.

For additional information about our programs, please visit us to tour the facilities and/or plan to attend one of our 艺术日和开放日.