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Featured Awards – September 2018

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Jessica Bacon • Early Childhood, Elementary and Literacy Education
Susan Baglieri • Secondary and Special Education
Increasing Access to College Project
Kessler Foundation
The Increasing Access to College (IAC) project, led by Dr. Jessica Bacon and Dr. Susan Baglieri, 旨在增加十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的残疾人多样性, 特别关注智力或发育障碍(IDD)人士. IAC将继续招收不同人口组成的人员,努力反映校园的多样性. 资助资金将使IAC能够继续为参与者提供低成本或免费的大学过渡体验,这样社会经济地位就不会成为参与IAC项目的障碍.

Katrina Bulkley • Counseling and Educational Leadership
Institute of Education Sciences
Dr. Katrina Bulkley将作为杜兰大学的分接受者,从事仪器开发工作,包括调查, coding strategy for charter school applications, and interview protocols for this project. She will also collect data in Washington D.C. and Florida, 分析通过面试和特许学校申请收集的定性数据, and write research products connected to analysis. Dr. Bulkley还将指导十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的一名学生协助她完成这项工作.

Gerard Costa • Center for Autism and Early Childhood Mental Health
FY19 Socio-Emotional Formation Initiative (SEFI)
New Jersey Department of Human Services
社会情感形成倡议(SEFI)支持全州范围内的专业发展机会整合,旨在促进所有婴儿的社会和情感福祉和包容性, toddlers and young children with and without developmental, emotional and behavioral difficulties. SEFI, 这是十大博彩推荐排名州立大学自闭症和早期儿童心理健康中心的一个资助项目, approaches this work through the full continuum of promotion, prevention and intervention efforts.

Jason Dickinson • Robert D. McCormick Center for Child Advocacy and Policy
Post BA Certificate in Adolescent Advocacy – 2018-2019
New Jersey Department of Children and Families
For the year of 2018 – 2019, the program, 这是十大博彩推荐排名州立大学和儿童与家庭部(DCF)合作的结果, 的目的是提供儿童保护和永久工人(CP&P)(前身为青年和家庭服务部)和儿童福利基金的工作人员,他们希望通过法律学科对儿童倡导者的作用有多学科的理解,从而进一步提高他们在公共福利系统中与青少年打交道的专业知识, psychology, and social work among others. 学生获得必要的知识和技能,有效地与青少年群体合作.

Eden Kyse •教育与人类服务研究与评估中心
Action, Plan, Research and Evaluation
U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance
新泽西州法律和公共安全部(DLPS)获得了一笔联邦拨款,用于开发综合药物意识仪表板(IDAD)。, 综合以前来自多个国家机构的独立数据集(例如.g., NJ State Police, NJ Prescription Drug Monitoring Program). 这个集中数据共享“仪表板”的目的是更清楚地了解整个州的阿片类药物流行情况, inform targeted interventions, and develop analytic opioid “hot spot” data. Dr. Kyse和CREEHS的团队担任项目评估员和行动研究伙伴, 从IDAD利益相关者那里收集数据,为仪表板的持续改进提供信息.

Bryan Murdock • Center for Community Engagement
Krystal Woolston • Center for Community Engagement
City of Orange Proposal to the U.S. 教育部:大学辅助全面服务社区学校计划-第5年
U.S. Department of Education
In year five of this grant, 该项目将允许该大学与奥兰治公立学区密切合作,将两所表现不佳的第一名学校转变为大学辅助的全方位服务社区学校.

Jennifer Robinson • Center of Pedagogy
Newark Montclair Urban Teacher Residency – Year 5
U.S. Department of Education
For the fifth year of support from the U.S. Department of Education, this program, in partnership with the Newark Public Schools (NPS), 旨在通过将严格的研究型教师准备应用于NPS的具体需求来提高学生的成绩. 纽瓦克十大博彩推荐排名城市教师项目旨在招募有才华的个人, including those from underrepresented groups and other careers, into teaching math, science, and early childhood special education. The NMUTR also increases teacher quality and retention, which ultimately improves student achievement.

Alexander Sperling • Campus Recreation
Outdoor Nation Northeast Campus Clubs
Outdoor Foundation and the National Park Service
户外国家东北校园俱乐部项目在整个学年的课程中吸引了学院和大学-在校园社区之间建立了牢固的联系, outdoor recreation and the National Park Service. 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学计划前往特拉华水峡国家娱乐区进行国家公园之旅,并将协助埃塞克斯县环境中心为社区合作伙伴户外郊游举办地球日庆祝活动.  十大博彩推荐排名州立大学还将自愿为管理项目在沃尔基尔河国家野生动物保护区维护小径和清理周围地区.

Jedidiah Wheeler • Arts and Cultural Programming
General Programming Support FY2018
New Jersey State Council on the Arts
新泽西州艺术委员会(NJSCA)的持续资助将有助于支持Peak performance的使命,即为校园和社区观众提供独特的戏剧体验,促进创造力和学习. In addition, NJSCA还认可十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的艺术和文化项目,并将其指定为新泽西州的主要文化机构.

Meiyin Wu • Passaic River Institute
Stopping Trash Where it Starts
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Dr. 吴美茵和她的团队将协助哈德逊河基金会选择调查地点, download GIS map data for the study area, randomly select potential study sites using GIS, apply site selection criteria, add additional survey sites selected by community groups/HEP, and create a GIS map listing all final survey sites.  This study aims to include a total of twenty survey sites. 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学也将为社区团体成员提供为期一天的培训.  培训将包括上午的课堂部分和下午的现场演示/实践. 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学还将作为参与者在调查协议和数据上传方面的任何后续问题的首选地点.