


Photo of MSU campus with moon visible in the background

当: 12月5日,星期二,上午9:00 -下午12:15

地点: 通过在空间在线


夏季/冬季课程办公室, 与ITDS团队合作, will offer workshops online during this half-day event. Workshop participants will receive resources in Canvas.


我们鼓励所有教员都这样做 注册一对一咨询 根据需要. 



Time 会话
8:45 – 9:00 使用in Space检查/设置
9:00 – 9:45 欢迎 & 夏季/冬季课程更新 & ITDS

Excelling in Accelerated Formats: Strategies and Best Practices for Winter Session Faculty

Adapting your course to an accelerated format requires special attention to pacing, 工作负载, and other considerations to facilitate student success in just four weeks. This session describes strategies and best practices to consider while adapting your course. Dr. Sangeeta Parashar, 社会学副教授, 和我们一起分享她的经历, 成功, 吸取教训.

10:00 – 10:30 跟上什么是新的画布

我们整理了一系列的小贴士 & Tricks to ensure you have everything you need to effectively and efficiently prepare your Winter courses. 不管你是不是Canvas的新手, there may be some tricks you are unaware of or even possibilities in teaching your course that you have not yet considered.

10:30 – 11:15 Responding to Artificial Intelligence Effective Instructional Design

Generative artificial intelligence tools such as ChatGPT have exploded in popularity and pose many questions in higher education related to academic integrity and authenticity of work produced by our students. This workshop empowers faculty with an overview of ChatGPT and other similar AI text generators, assessment design approaches for mitigating misuse, and considerations on leveraging these tools to enhance learning activities.

11:30 – 12:15 Enhancing Student Experiences on Canvas with Graphic Design

Using appropriate graphic design on your Canvas pages, 作业, 小测验, and course materials can make all the difference in ensuring that your students have an accessible and engaging learning environment. Join us in exploring how you can enhance your courses on Canvas with the careful application of graphic design!


教学技术和设计服务 offers many workshops and faculty development opportunities year-round to support teaching and learning. We’ve highlighted a few to help you prepare your Winter Session courses.

非裔美国妇女在家工作. 向笔记本电脑挥手

Excelling in Accelerated Formats: Strategies and Best Practices for Winter Session Faculty


This workshop provides best practices on repackaging your course content for accelerated formats, 关于学生参与和评估的提示, and advice from faculty teaching accelerated courses.


  • 简单的教学大纲 -简单的教学大纲是一个集中的, template-driven platform that enables faculty to quickly personalize and publish interactive class syllabi.
  • 教育讨论导论 – Ed Discussion is a quick and easy drop-in for class Q&A具有优越的功能和可用性. 无缝便利Q&一个讨论, empowering students to express their ideas using a built-in equation editor, 共享可运行代码, 注释的图片, 还有更多.
  • 用翻转重新构想在线讨论 – 翻转 is a discussion tool that uses video recording and sharing as the primary method of conversation.
  • 使用民意测验作为形成性评估工具 – Polls are a great way to break up the traditional lecture pattern while also providing valuable data on the knowledge our students have obtained (and where they may be struggling) in a low-stakes environment. Join us as we take a look at three polling platforms: Kahoot, 变焦, and 调查无处不在.
  • Using Padlet and Jamboard to Promote Collaboration – Padlet is a simple collaborative bulletin board that allows participants to interact by posting text, 链接, 图片, 视频, 和更多的. 它可以用作快速公告板, 头脑风暴的空间, 一个博客, 一个投资组合, 舱位出境票等等. Join us for this basic overview via an interactive demonstration on the Google Jamboard, highlighting the functionality of using this whiteboard collaboratively.
  • 使用思维导图提高学生的理解能力 & 订婚 – Mind mapping is an effective strategy to visually organize and analyze information and can be a method to help students underst和更多的 complex concepts in your course. This strategy is fantastic for content analysis and is proven to increase higher-order thinking, 订婚, 在学生中回忆一下.
  • 社交阅读与协作注释 – This workshop will showcase the ways social reading and collaborative annotation can be used as a valuable way to assess student work. We will explore two social annotation tools that integrate with Canvas: Perusall and 假说is.
  • 让学生参与在线讨论 – This session introduces pedagogical strategies and practices to facilitate effective online discussions in asynchronous/synchronous environments, or to extend engaging interactions beyond the classroom.
  • Designing Activities to Promote Student 订婚 ——在这个研讨会上, we will discuss some active learning techniques and tools that you could use in individual 作业, pair work and large group activities to promote student 订婚 in an online or hybrid environment.



Our team of instructional designers are available to work with you on many aspects of designing your course(s). Whether you’re implementing a quick fix or developing long term changes, instructional designers offer valuable support rooted in pedagogical best practices and experience.



photo of Patrick Scioscia, Terry Steckowich, and Pam Fallivene

We offer support on using Canvas to build a student-friendly course, including building and configuring course content, 课程管理, 和更多的.

