four masked students walking together on Campus


十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 is committed to developing courses that mirror the values of diversity, 股本, 以及我们作为一个社区所提倡的包容. It is our responsibility and duty as constituents of the 大学 (and society at large) to create learning spaces where all voices are heard and considered equally.

所有的学生, 不分种族, color, 宗教, 国籍或血统, 性别认同, 年龄, 婚姻状况, 性取向, disabilities or other non-academic criteria should receive equal opportunity and education in our classrooms.

Steps to creating an equitable and inclusive learning space include short-term strategies you can implement immediately, as well as longer-term goals to develop over time. Review the strategies below and consider how you will implement them in your teaching.


对…作出承诺 文化相关教学法 in your course, viewing students’ cultures as assets.

的 first step to making meaningful strides towards diversity and inclusion in your course is making a commitment to evaluating your course and its content under a culturally aware lens and acknowledging the need to create a curriculum that fosters inclusion. This includes critical self-reflection on current practices and ideologies.

Select written works, videos, and other course materials with diversity and inclusivity in mind.

当你选择课程材料时, strive for representation in the authors of the works you choose in order to offer diverse perspectives on the subject matter. Include content created by diverse and underrepresented authors.

Select im年龄s and example names for your course with diversity and inclusivity in mind.

Be sure that the im年龄s you choose reflect your commitment to diversity by showcasing varied countries of origin, 种族, 性别, 和种族. Be aware of how particular ethnic or origin associations are portrayed in the im年龄s you select and avoid ones that connote negative stereotypes associated with particular 性别, 种族, 性取向, 等.

Normalize an inclusive mindset in your classroom from the start of the semester, 从你的教学大纲到破冰活动.

Dedicate a section of your syllabus to sharing your commitment to creating a Bias-Free Zone in your classroom (whether virtual or face-to-face). Consider this example, adopted and shared with permission by Dr. 布拉德·范·伊登·摩尔菲尔德, Professor of Family Science and Human Development at 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学:

“这堂课将是一个没有偏见的地方, 这意味着每个人都会受到重视, 受人尊敬的, 并受到尊重. Our discipline’s code of ethics will guide this in every way. We will value and promote the diversity of views, individuals, and families. However, we will not tolerate or condone views that are oppressive. That said, such views will be discussed and respectfully debated using empirical evidence. This is especially important given the number of individuals and families that experience discrimination and other forms of oppression daily. I encour年龄 you to make sure those views are added to our discussions. 相应的, no one should assume that because a colleague expresses such views they personally hold them. 换一种说法, people should play “devil’s advocate” to ensure myriad perspectives are part of our class but we will never assume any perspective matches someone’s personal beliefs.”

During icebreakers or introductory activities at the beginning of the semester, include pronouns as an optional component of what students share about themselves (i.e. 姓名、代词、专业、爱好等.). 突出学生的能力 populate their personal pronouns in their Canvas profile 如果他们愿意分享.

Review your course using the Peralta在线股权标准

Peralta在线股权标准 is a research-based course evaluation tool focused on making online course experiences more equitable.


Continue reading, listening, learning, and growing.

While the outward steps and strategies outlined above are an excellent start, a longer-term inward reflection is equally vital towards sustaining these changes in your classroom. Consider incorporating literature on diversity, 股本, and inclusion into your reading list. 下面是一些建议, some specific to our commitment as educators and others towards our broader commitment as members of society:

  1. Aronson, B., & 笑声,J. (2016). 的 的ory and Practice of Culturally Relevant Education: A Synthesis of 研究 Across Content Areas. 教育研究评论,86(1), 163–206.
  2. Columbia 大学, Center for Teaching and Learning. (2017). 哥伦比亚大学包容性教学指南.
  3. Grier-Reed T., & Williams-Wengerd,. (2018). 集成通用设计, 文化可持续实践, and Constructivism to Advance Inclusive Pedagogy in the Undergraduate Classroom. 教育科学,8(4), 167. MDPI AG).
  4. Kendi,我.X. (2019). 如何成为一个反种族主义者. 兰登书屋出版集团.
  5. 泰隆C. 霍华德(2003) Culturally Relevant Pedagogy: Ingredients for Critical Teacher Reflection, 的ory Into Practice, 42:3, 195-202.


Consider anonymous means of collecting feedback from your students on what you’re doing well and how you can continuously improve towards creating a learning space that fosters inclusivity and diversity. Embrace this feedback and acknowledge that the perspective each student offers is valuable.
