CART Studio Arts

Donated Leave


Eligibility to Receive Donated Leave


  1. 已完成至少一年的连续大学服务;
  2. Has exhausted all accrued sick, vacation and administrative leave, all sick leave injury benefits, if any, and all compensatory time off,
  3. Has not, 在雇员需要捐赠假之前的两年内, been disciplined for chronic or excessive absenteeism, chronic or excessive lateness or abuse of leave; and either
  4. The employee suffers from a catastrophic health condition or injury; or
  5. Is needed to provide care to a member of the employee’s immediate family who is suffering from a catastrophic health condition or injury; or
  6. 需要因捐赠器官而缺勤,或者
  7. 雇员或雇员的直系亲属由于精神或身体健康而患有残疾,需要医生的照顾,医生证实雇员需要缺勤60天或60天以上.
  8. 必须从任何一个或多个捐赠者那里获得至少五(5)天的休假才能参加该计划.
  9. 请病假者的病假或假期不得超过260天, and shall not receive any such days on a retroactive basis.
  10. 通过捐赠休假政策获得全薪的员工没有资格获得临时残疾福利.

Catastrophic health condition or injury is either:

  1. a life-threatening condition or combination of conditions affecting the employee or employee’s immediate family member; or
  2. a period of disability of the employee, employee’s fetus, 或雇员的直系亲属的精神或身体健康,需要医生照顾,并提供雇员缺勤60个或以上工作日的医疗证明.

Certainly, the loss of a limb, 一只眼睛或一个重要器官会影响受害者的余生. 最明显的例子是创伤性脑损伤和中枢神经系统损伤, such as a crushed spinal column. The victim very often loses the ability to function, 能找到工作,享受日常生活,因为他们瘫痪了, cognitively impaired, unconscious or dependent on life-support systems. Disfiguring injuries also can have catastrophic impact. 同样,灾难性疾病是那些预后不良的疾病.e. hospice care being rendered, reduced ability to function, etc.

Donor Eligibility Guidelines

  1. 员工最多可以向任何一个接受者捐赠三十(30)天. Only whole days may be donated. 对任何一个受赠人的三十(30)天的捐赠是受赠人一生的上限.
  2. 如捐赠病假,捐款人必须有至少20天的累积病假,如捐赠假期,捐款人必须有至少12天的累积假期.
  3. 赠与人不得索取、收受任何有价值的东西,不得收受任何利益.


  • 员工可以通过联系密歇根州立大学FMLA/ADA协调员,以休假接受者或捐赠者的身份发起参加此计划.
  • 雇员或家属代表必须提交医生或其他有执照的卫生保健提供者出具的关于健康状况或受伤的性质和预计持续时间或缺工60天或更长时间的医疗证明. 有关资格的决定将由人力资源部根据具体情况作出,并将确认NJAC 4A:6-1中规定的国家准则.22.
  • 捐赠者和受赠人(或家属代表)将填写所需的表格 Donated Leave Program forms and return them to the MSU FMLA/ADA Coordinator.

No one shall directly or indirectly intimidate, threaten or coerce, or attempt to intimidate, 威胁或胁迫任何其他员工,以干涉该员工可能享有的有关出资的任何权利, receiving or using paid leave under this program. 上述承诺应包括承诺授予或授予任何利益(如任命), promotion or compensation) or making a threat to engage in, or engaging in, an act of retaliation against an employee. 任何从事上述禁止行为的员工将受到纪律处分.

Other Conditions

  • 在捐赠的剩余时间内,受赠员工是否应返回工作岗位或以其他方式终止休假, 该时间将立即以整天为单位按比例返还给捐赠者. 每位捐款人少于一天的捐款将不予退还. 立即退还未使用的捐赠天数的唯一例外情况是,雇员返回工作岗位的医疗文件表明将需要进一步治疗,并提供这种治疗的时间表.
  • 接受捐赠的员工在使用捐赠假期的同时,将继续获得病假和休假时间. 所有这些挣来的时间应由接收员工保留,并记入员工的累计休假时间.
  • 退休的受助雇员将不会获得任何未使用的退休病假补偿金(SCOR),他或她收到的捐赠.
  • 捐赠人的休假时间将根据捐赠的天数减少.
  • 任何受赠人一生最多可以接受260天的捐赠.
  • Donations may not be used on a retroactive basis.


如欲以受赠人身份参加捐赠假期计划,请填写 Donated Leave Program Recipient Affidavit Form.

要以捐赠人的身份参加捐赠休假计划,请填写 Donated Leave Program Donor Transfer Form.