



措施Manir is in their second year at MSU as a major in pre-med General Biology. They plan on going into Creative Writing later for a minor or second major. They currently aspire to be a gynecologist, with a focus on sex ed and accessible health education. Interests and hobbies include 阅读 and writing, coddling their cat, and detective shows. 随意的技能包括铺床和泡茶, and listing the 50 states in alphabetical order in under half a minute.


索菲亚·阿塞韦多·瓦伦西亚 is a junior majoring in Political Science. 她找到了对新闻业的热情, 通信, and media last semester and wishes to incorporate those studies into her future career. 作为同伴健康倡导者, she hopes to gain a better understanding of the medical world and promote health education in her community. 在她空闲的时候, 索菲亚喜欢自发的实地考察, 听新乐队, 讨厌地登录电影到信箱, 读浪漫小说, and write for her college peers in The Montclarion and Her Campus.

Emalia Samouhos

Emalia Samouhos is a junior who is currently majoring in psychology. She has been volunteering as a Peer Health Advocate since Spring 2022 and is so excited to be returning for more opportunities to learn about safety and mental health. The Office of 健康促进 inspired Emalia to minor in education in hopes of leaving an impact on younger students about wellness. 在她空闲的时候, Emalia喜欢健身, 看动漫, 阅读, 和朋友出去玩!


瑟瑞娜·托马斯 is a junior studying Public Health with a concentration in Health Administration Systems and Policy. This is Serena’s second year volunteering as a Peer Health Advocate. 毕业后, she is planning on pursuing nursing in an accelerated program and work within public health nursing. Serena is involved in several student leadership positions and organizations, 包括十大博彩推荐排名公共卫生协会(PHAM). 当她不工作或学习的时候, 她喜欢创作歌曲。, 写故事,和爱的人在一起.


艾登 is a junior majoring in psychology with dual minors in American Sign Language and social work.  除了志愿服务, 艾登 is a certified crisis counselor on the Crisis Text Line and works on the e-board of DREAM, a club dedicated to advocating for disabled students at Montclair. He hopes to work in the mental health field one day and is passionate about advocating for disabled students receiving a quality and equitable education. 在他空闲的时候, 他喜欢画画。, 去听音乐会, 花时间陪他的两只猫和朋友.


Crystal is a sophomore majoring in Public Health at 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学. She’s new to the Peer Health Advocate team this year and wants to get more involved on campus, 尤其是帮助别人做出更健康的选择. 在她空闲的时候, Crystal enjoys baking, working with kids, playing volleyball and doing yoga.


凯瑟琳Saravia is in her third year at 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学. She is currently pursuing a degree in Molecular Biology with a pre-med track, and has set her sights on attending medical school to become a physician. Katherine is extremely passionate about medicine and is committed to making a positive impact by bringing awareness to health issues in underserved and under-resourced communities. 除了她的学术成就, Katherine is an avid tennis player who enjoys discovering new coffee shops in her free time. She also has a love for adventure and often embarks on road trips and hikes to explore new places.


林恩·汤普森(林恩·汤普森)是十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的大四学生. She is currently studying Linguistics with a minor in American Sign Language. This is Lynn’s first year as a Peer Health Advocate and she is excited to be a part of the team and help students around campus. She is hoping to dive into this new experience and learn a lot about health promotion and how to utilize this in her future career. 在她空闲的时候, Lynn loves to find and listen to new music and watch her favorite football team, 绿湾包装工队.


彼得Tayo is a senior majoring in Biology on the pre-med track. 他还辅修心理学. 彼得渴望上医学院,成为一名医生. His favorite hobbies and activities are soccer and going to the gym. This is his first year as a Peer Health Advocate and he hopes to make a positive impact in his peers’ lives.

Rim El kadioui

Rim El kadioui is a junior and a recent transfer to Montclair. She is majoring in biochemistry and is interested in pursuing an advanced degree. This is Rim’s first time as a Peer Health Advocate, and she is excited to give back to the community. Her interests include listening to music, 阅读, writing, and watching videos. 她还喜欢地理,能说出大约180个国家的名字.


Karla is a third-year Biology student majoring in Biology with a double minor in Psychology and Visual Arts and hopes to pursue a MD/Ph.D. 神经外科或癌症研究. Karla is passionate about mental health and as a first-year Peer Health Advocate, she is excited to learn and promote mental and physical wellness on campus. She is also passionate about mentoring the next generation of scientists, 尤其是那些来自弱势群体的人, to follow their calling for STEM as she believes that the power of diversity can inspire ingenious thinking and breakthroughs. 除了学校, Karla enjoys practicing tennis and soccer with friends and drawing whenever she gets a chance. She also loves to bake and try new recipes but loves baking traditional Peruvian desserts as it brings her closer to her culture.