


Dr. Marie Cascarano received her undergraduate degree from Rutgers, The State 大学 of New Jersey. 在那里,她获得了心理学和艺术学士学位. She went on to receive a master’s degree and doctoral degree from Columbia 大学 – Teachers College in Health Education.

Marie has worked for several non-profit organizations including the National Council on Alcohol and Drug Dependence of Hudson County, Planned Parenthood of Greater Northern New Jersey and Partnership for a Drug Free New Jersey.

With over 20 years of experience in group facilitation and program development, 玛丽负责全面的, award-winning education and prevention program that addresses various health issues including alcohol and other drugs, 安全的性, 性, 身体形象, 压力和睡眠. 奖项包括:.S. Department of Education’s Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Models on College Campuses (2006), The Bacchus Network Outstanding Program for Body Acceptance Week (2014) and The Bacchus Network Outstanding Program for Safer Spring Break (2015).

当玛丽没有对抗耻辱和预防大学健康灾难的时候, 她开车送女儿参加各种体育活动, 参加动感单车课程,通过艺术练习自我护理.


John graduated with a bachelors in Public Health from Rutgers, The State 大学 of New Jersey. 毕业后不久, he worked at the Englewood Health Department as a Health Educator for 3 years. There he understood the importance of outreach and health education as he went out and initiated various programs and health workshops for the youth and adults throughout Englewood.

在卫生部门工作之后, John went back to school and received his Master’s in Public Administration from Kean 大学. While studying, John worked at the Human Resources Department at Kean 大学 for over 3 years.

约翰热衷于拓展业务, 为社区服务,对周围的人产生积极的影响. He hopes to make small and positive differences in people’s lives anywhere he is. 在他空闲的时候, John enjoys friendly competition with his friends and family through board games, 高尔夫和网球.



曼迪Yodice is currently in the Master’s of Social Work program at 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学. She received her bachelor’s degree in Child Advocacy and Policy with a minor in psychology at Montclair. 她在十大博彩推荐排名的时候, Maddy was a Peer Mentor for the Mentor Collective and president of her sorority, which helped her develop a passion for working within campus life in the university setting. 麦蒂在教育领域有丰富的工作经验, 特别是帮助有特殊需要的学生. 麦蒂喜欢去新的地方旅行,读书和锻炼!


Britney is a first year master’s student in the Master of Public Health program here at 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学. 在她的本科学习期间, 布兰妮获得了生物学学位,并在娱乐中心工作, 并在大学学院担任大学研究员. Britney is very passionate about women’s health and would like to work in health education, specifically in a field serving women and children in underrepresented communities. Britney loves reading, trying out new food places with her friends and watching comedy shows.


莱西·罗宾逊是心理咨询硕士项目的第一年, 专攻临床心理健康咨询. 她也是十大博彩推荐排名州立大学女子曲棍球队的一员. 毕业后,她希望成为一名夫妻、婚姻和家庭咨询师. 在十大博彩推荐排名, Lexi received her bachelor’s degree in Psychology with minors in Education and Sociology at Moravian 大学. 在摩拉维亚, 她是美国阅读和最好的朋友的成员, a nonprofit organization that creates one-to-one friendships with those who have disabilities. Outside of school and work, Lexi loves playing with her dogs, watching Netflix and reading books.



凯文·奥尼尔 is a Senior exercise science major who hopes to attend physical therapy school postgraduate. He currently works as a physical therapy aide for Professional Physical Therapy. 在他空闲的时候, 凯文喜欢保持活跃,不管这意味着去健身房, 参加体育运动, 或者在户外. He hopes he can make a positive contribution to the student body by sharing his knowledge of exercise science to promote positive physical well being. Kevin is extremely excited for this experience as a student leader and looks forward to making a difference in the campus community.


艾米丽·佩里是家庭科学与人类发展专业的大四学生. After graduating, she hopes to attend law school and work toward advocacy for children and seniors. Since working at a local nursing home, Emily has taken an interest in mental health at all ages. She is excited to get more involved in the Office of 健康促进’s initiatives and programs on campus. In her free time, Emily loves making crafts, watching movies and getting coffee with friends!


摘要作为许 is a current Junior majoring in Nutrition and Food Science with a concentration in Food Science. She is currently aiming to transfer to the Dietetics concentration as she found she has a passion for nutritional health and therapy. Zhi-Yi had volunteered for a semester as a Peer Health Advocate and realized the importance of education and participation within the community. She is currently gaining experience within the healthcare field through volunteering and employment. When not on campus, Zhi-Yi likes to spend time with two of her best friends: her dogs! 他们喜欢一起睡觉,一起吃饭,一起散步,一起看亚洲电视剧.


莎拉绿色大苹果 is a junior double majoring in Psychology and Child Advocacy with a minor in LGBTQ+ studies. Sarah hopes one day to become a therapist for children concentrating on motivational interviewing and mental health. 在她的职业激情之上, 她是泰勒·斯威夫特的超级粉丝, 喜欢读一本好书, 和朋友出去玩, 和她的宠物玩耍!


惠特尼·潘多是十大博彩推荐排名大学的第二年学生, 主修心理学,辅修生物学, 希望能成为一名医师助理. 惠特尼是新来的本科生助理, and she is excited in prompting engagement through peer conversation and interaction. She enjoys volunteer work and is an active member in her community and 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学. 在学术和参与之外, 她喜欢活跃和旅行, 和家人朋友联系一下.