

Congratulations on your acceptance to the Graduate School at 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学!

欢迎来到十大博彩推荐排名州立大学! We have compiled a checklist of things you will need to do as you enroll as a graduate student. 而研究生院的工作人员总是可以帮助你, 我们鼓励您定期使用本网站作为资源.

1. 第一步

电子邮件/ NetID


请注意: New Students should set up their 大学 NetID prior to logging in to 巢.  如果你在申请NetID时有困难, 请与大学信息技术服务台联系 itservicedesk@hebhgkq.com 或973-655-7971选项1.


  • Give you a unique electronic identity for access to university online services, including email.
  • 设置您的电子邮件帐户,以便您可以:
    • 接收重要的大学通讯.
    • 与教师和研究生同学交流.
    • 获得校外访问图书馆数据库和其他资源的机会.
    • Participate in various campus listservs for up-to-date event, deadline, 和 campus news.
    • Forward email from your Montclair account to your personal email account.

Please note that you MUST sign up for a 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 email account as you will be held responsible for the information 和 campus notifications sent via the Montclair email system. The 大学 和 研究生院’s main source of communication is the 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 email address. 你必须检查你的十大博彩推荐排名电子邮件地址. 只要你设置好十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的邮箱账号, you will have the option of forwarding your 大学 email to your personal email account.

欲了解更多信息,请联系大学服务台 973-655-7971.



提交你的 研究生入学押金不予退还你就能保住十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的席位. 如果您想用信用卡在线支付您的押金,请 登录到巢门户 支付你的押金. 登录到巢门户网站, 使用你的八位校园ID (CWID)和你的个人密码, 您的六位数出生日期(MMDDYY), 这是在你的录取通知书中提供的.

登录到巢门户后,单击 存款选项卡 在红色菜单栏上. 在 选择按金付款 下拉菜单,选择 “研究生入学保证金不予退还” payment option 和 follow the ensuing screens to pay your enrollment deposit.


如果您愿意用支票或汇票支付您的存款, please include the applicant’s full name in the notes section of the payment 和 please mail your check or money order to the following address:


你的押金将用于支付你第一学期的学费. Please note that your student record will not be activated 和 you will not be able to register for classes until we receive your deposit.


在你的研究生学习经历中至关重要的伙伴, 你的研究生项目协调员可以帮助你选课, 整体课程规划, 研究的机会, 职业目标. 你可以找到你的 这里是研究生项目协调员.

2. 注册课程


研究生院的注册系统在巢上完全是在线的. 您也可以通过巢在线查看课程时间表. 最新的课程列表已上载于 在课程部分或课程部分搜索.

红鹰中心 网站, you can find more information including the registration time calendar, 如何阅读课程表, 以及如何注册课程.

For more information about 巢 和 the other upcoming OneMontclair software, please visit the OneMontclair 网站. 如果您对巢有任何疑问,请联系 nest@hebhgkq.com.

is the primary web gateway for student 和 faculty/staff self-service. 巢 will give you single-sign-on access for many current 和 upcoming products including Self-Service Banner (SSB).

请注意: New Students should set up their 大学 NetID prior to logging in to 巢. See the “第一步” section above for more information on claiming your NetID. 如果你在申请NetID时有困难, 请与大学信息技术服务台联系 itservicedesk@hebhgkq.com 或973-655-7971选项1.


  • 注册课程.
  • 支付学费.
  • 检讨学术审核.
  • 审查财政援助奖励信息.
  • 通过CourseLeaf访问大学目录.
  • 访问画布,电子邮件,图书馆的快速链接 & 大学目录.
3. 资助你的教育


美国公民和永久居民有资格 学生贷款,这是研究生的主要资助来源. In order to be eligible for any kind of student loan you must be registered for at least three credits, 或半场, 在一个学期中.




We accept payment in the form of cash, checks or money orders, E-check, 和 credit cards. Payments can be made in person or online 和 we also have payment plans available. A m和atory New Student Enrollment Fee will be assessed to your account. This fee may be assessed to your account before or after you pay the term bill. 请注意,声明将不再邮寄给学生. 您必须登录巢查看您的帐户摘要. For more information on how to pay your term bill, please visit the payment options section of the 学生账户 网站.

4. 新生即将参加的活动

欢迎! Orientation webinars will be offered for New Students on the following dates. 如果你被聘为研究生或博士助理, please plan to attend both a New Student Orientation session 和 a Graduate/Doctoral Assistant Orientation session. Email invitations with registration links will be sent out at the beginning of August.

除了, you will receive an invitation to join the 研究生院’s Orientation course(s) in Canvas where you will be able to review a series of modules on topics such as financial aid, 校园资源, 和研究生的政策和程序,以自己的节奏.


  • 新生迎新日即将到来!


  • 十大博彩推荐排名州立 Online hosts an orientation for new graduate students in online programs. 有关日期及活动详情,请浏览网页 网上研究生入学指导.
5. 健康与福利


十大博彩推荐排名州立 requires all full-time undergraduate 和 graduate students to carry health insurance. The 大学 has arranged for a plan to be available for students who have no other coverage, 收取少量费用. Full-time students are automatically enrolled in this plan 和 charged the insurance premium. Students have the option to waive the plan if covered by another carrier. 豁免必须在规定的截止日期前提交. To waive the plan 和 for more information on the health coverage plan, please visit the 学生健康保险页面.


All incoming students are subject to health requirements as a prerequisite to attending classes at 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 和 entering 大学 housing (if applicable). These requirements are m和ated by New Jersey Higher Education Immunization laws 和 the 大学. 详细的免疫要求新学生提交信息的截止日期 都公布在学生健康中心网站上.

6. 最后的步骤


Registered 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 students will need a 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 ID card to use the library, computer labs 和 access Red Hawk dollars – the money placed on your ID card to spend on meals, 书, 等.


You can buy your text书, computers, software, clothing, supplies 和 more at the 大学书店.

要购买教科书,请访问书店, 位于学生中心的一楼, 星期一至星期六, 或者你也可以上网. Online ordering is easy 和 convenient if you know your class schedule 和 semester. 以下是如何点餐:

  • 一旦你选择了合适的术语, 书店网站将帮助你选择你的部门, 航线及分段.
  • 一旦你选择了正确的类, the site will display a list of required 和 recommended text书 for that class.
  • Put your 书 in your shopping cart 和 continue to order your 书 for each of your classes.



  • All graduate students must purchase a parking permit 和 register any vehicle parked in surface lots. 停车许可证必须按照 停车规则及规例.  
  • Commuter students may park only in General 停车 Lots: 18-28, 30, 32, 40, 和 41.
  • 按小时收费停车 在红鹰停车场有吗.
  • 每年提供的红鹰停车通行证数量有限.
  • Paid parking is also available in metered spaces for a maximum of two hours.
  • For more information, please contact St和ard 停车, Level 1 of the Red Hawk Deck at 973-655-7580.
  • 校园地图可在研究生院办公室获得, 停车服务, 以及学生中心咨询台.