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Student Resources

How You Can Receive Our Services


  • Complete an Application via AIM (Accessible Information Management). AIM是一个在线门户网站,学生可以访问残疾资源中心提供的服务.
  • 在AIM中上传全面的文档,确定存在一种或多种残疾,并支持任何请求的住宿需求. For more information, please review our Documentation Guidelines. 申请和文件都必须在AIM提供接收接收预约和讨论住宿.
  • 安排与指定的DRC顾问会面,以审查提交的材料, 建立资格并进行初步需求评估,以确定合理和适当的住宿.
  • 每学期在AIM要求住宿通知,作为您在DRC注册和住宿需求的通知. 刚果民主共和国工作人员在营业时间内批准住宿请求. 一经批准,教师和学生将立即通过电子邮件收到通知.

Your Rights and Responsibilities

As a student with a disability, you have the right to:

  • Equal access to courses, programs, services, jobs, activities and facilities available within the University.
  • Reasonable and appropriate accommodations, 学业调整和/或辅助援助视具体情况而定.
  • 对所有与残疾有关的信息适当保密. 没有您的书面同意,有关您的残疾的细节不能公布或与任何人讨论. 残疾信息不会出现在你的学习成绩中,也不会出现在你的成绩单上.
  • Information reasonably available in accessible formats.

As a student with a disability, you have the responsibility to:

  • Be qualified. Meet all academic, conduct and technical standards.
  • 自我认同并充分参与住宿过程.
  • 你必须参与所有住宿的规划、谈判和实施.
  • 及时合理地提出住宿要求
  • Provide proper documentation to justify all requests. 证实残疾性质的文件必须由适当的专业来源提供.

作为在DRC注册的学生,您也有责任遵守所有办公室规定 policies and procedures.

Additional Resources

刚果民主共和国收到关于残疾学生额外支持和资源的各种信息. 下面的信息和链接反映了从外部来源提供的服务, not affiliated with the DRC or Montclair State University. 这些组织和/或个人表达的观点不一定代表刚果民主共和国或整个大学的观点. 如果您有任何疑问或疑虑,请立即与刚果民主共和国联系.

Transitioning to College

寻找更多关于残疾学生在大学生活的信息? 你要确保自己做好了准备,并了解进入大学后情况会发生怎样的变化? The HEATH Resource Center of The George Washington University is an excellent resource. Their modules will provide you with valuable information. You’ll be amazed at how much you can learn!

New Jersey Autism Center of Excellence – Webinars, articles and other resources for students, families, and faculty regarding autism/autism spectrum.

Career Information
  • Disability: IN NextGen Leaders -残障人士:下一代领袖是残障大学生和刚毕业的大学生. 学生将与来自谷歌等所有行业的残障企业合作伙伴的导师一对一配对, JPMorgan Chase, Microsoft, Boeing, and Pfizer.
  • How’d You Get THAT Job?! – A podcast presented by, 都是关于那些有学习障碍和多动症的人的独特的(通常是意想不到的)工作和职业道路.
  • SourceAbled -一个免费的资源机构,帮助雇主招聘具有独特能力的候选人来创造多样化, inclusive workplaces.
  • Specliasterne -一个免费的资源机构,帮助雇主招聘具有独特能力的候选人来创造多样化, inclusive workplaces
  • Global Diversity and Inclusion at Microsoft – Employee Resource Group opportunities at Microsoft.
  • AccessComputing -美国国家科学基金会资助的“扩大参与计算联盟”, provides opportunities for mentoring, tutoring, 并为计算机相关领域的残疾学生提供实习机会.
Financial Resources