Students in lounge wearing masks

Learn More About How 团体治疗 Could Work for You

People seek psychotherapy for many different reasons. 许多人来是因为
they have 问题 establishing and maintaining close and gratifying
的关系. Often, they wish that they understood their 的关系 better and
that they could be honest about their positive and negative feelings with
一个人. In return, they would like honest feedback. 团体治疗建立了一个
situation where this type of close, interpersonal exploration can occur.

的re are a number of reasons why 集团 therapy works:
1. When people come into a 集团 and interact freely with other 集团 成员s,
the difficulties that brought them to individual counseling are likely to come up in
群组设置也是如此. Under the direction of a 集团 therapist(s), 该集团 is
able to give support, offer alternatives, or gently confront the person in such a
way that the difficulty is resolved and alternative behaviors are learned.
2. Participating in 集团 therapy allows an individual to develop new ways of
3. During 集团 therapy, people begin to see that they are not alone and can be
帮助. Many times people feel like their 问题 are very unique, and that
他们是孤独的. It is encouraging to discover that others have similar difficulties
or have already worked through a problem that deeply disturbs 另一个 集团
4. Within this climate of trust, people feel free to care about and help one

Inevitably, 成员s will experience others in 该集团 in ways similar to how
they experienced intimate others outside 该集团, or family 成员s, while
成长的过程中. All 集团 成员s should be open to learning about themselves
以及他们之间的关系. To this end, all 成员s must be committed to the goal
of expressing their thoughts and feelings as they occur within 该集团. 的
way in which 成员s can learn the most in a 集团 is by being honest and
direct with their feelings at that moment, especially those feelings toward the
other 集团 成员s and the therapist(s). Members’ thoughts and feelings in
the present are the database from which 集团 psychotherapy flows. 培养
these goals, there are several rules which are important:

1. Members will make a commitment to attend 该集团 regularly for at
least 4 sessions before making a decision about whether or not this is the
为他们分组. It takes a minimum of four weeks for 成员s to feel
comfortable enough to begin to evaluate the usefulness of a particular
集团. 的 course of therapy is expected to be longer than this.

2. Members agree to be present each week, to arrive on time, and remain
在整个会议中. As a 成员, it is your responsibility to
notify 该集团 leader in advance when it is absolutely necessary for you
to be away or to be late for a 集团.

3. Members will treat matters that occur in 该集团 with utmost
保密. That is, 成员s agree to keep to themselves the names
and personal sharing of all 集团 成员s.

4. Members have a commitment to share feelings, reactions, and
thoughts during 集团 meetings as a way of increasing their
understanding of their own interpersonal dynamics. 谈论现在
or “here and now” feelings is usually the most helpful way to solve

5. Members agree to work actively on the 问题 that brought them to
该集团. At times this involves talking about important issues in one’s
life that cause difficulty in relating to others or in living life fully. 在其他
times it may entail choosing to listen supportively and to speak less.
Groups work best when all 成员s have a share in 该集团 time.

6. Members will notify 该集团 in person if they are considering leaving
该集团. It is important for everyone to have an opportunity to express
his/her feelings about the departure and to have enough time to explore

7. Members agree to use 的关系 in 该集团 therapeutically—not
社会. 的 集团 provides an opportunity for learning about one’s
问题 in social 的关系; it is not meant to be a gathering in which
人们见面是为了交朋友. If used in this manner, 该集团 loses its
治疗效果. However, if by chance 成员s do meet
outside 该集团, then it is their responsibility to discuss that interaction
在组内. Contact outside of 集团 via social networking sites
(Facebook, Instagram等.), email and text messaging is strongly

(Adapted from 大学 Counseling & 心理服务-利哈伊