


7th Annual Healing Arts Coalition Conference – Oct 21, 2016, 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

十大博彩推荐排名州立大学, Atlantic 健康 System and the Montclair Art Museum present the 7th Annual Healing Arts Coalition Conference on Oct 21, 2016.

The conference intends to bring together the arts and healthcare community through a multidisciplinary look at how the arts play a vital role in healing.

通过艺术分享故事: 现代艺术博物馆的访问项目 by 凯莉·麦基, Assistant Director of Community and 现代艺术博物馆的访问项目.

把治愈故事搬上舞台 A Panel Discussion with Creators and Playwrights of Healing Voices OnStage: Caregivers Stories.

运动中的故事: 舞蹈对健康和治疗的力量 by David Leventhal, Teacher and Program Director of Dance for PD ®, Mark Morris Dance Group, and Dr. Martha Eddy Founder and Program Director of Moving for Life ®

另外:各种艺术的分组会议 & 健康的话题

For More Information or to Register: Call: 1-800-247-9580 | Visit: www.atlantichealth.org/healingarts

Registration: $20 for General Public | $15 for AHS, MAM, and MSU 工作人员 | $10 for Students

7th Annual 康复艺术会议 Oct 2016 flyer p1


The Office of 教育及社区外展 in the 艺术学院 and Atlantic 健康 System recently cohosted the 第四届年度治愈之声文学阅读s 在这里 on campus. The evening celebrated the creative writing of the winners and participants of the Healing Voices Contest.

This year’s competition asked writers to focus on the theme of Kindness and answer the question: What does kindness mean to you? T在这里 were 34 entries of poetry and prose from 27 writers representing a variety of backgrounds and experiences.

拉莫斯达尼亚, 获奖作家和剧作家, and program coordinator in the 艺术学院, 担任当晚的主人. Featured readings included works written by Nancy Mendez-Booth, Daun钩, 伊莱恩·巴登和尤塔·布劳恩.

The contest was open to 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 faculty, 工作人员 and students along with Atlantic 健康 System employees, 志愿者和医务人员.

Atlantic 健康 System and 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 艺术学院 Announce the Healing Voices Literary Reading. Join us in celebrating the winners and participants of the 2016 Healing Voices Literary Contest!

The 第四届年度治愈之声文学阅读 welcomes all attendees to share a short written work on the theme of Kindness.
招待会下午6点.m. |阅读6:30.m.
L. 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学霍华德福克斯剧院
1普通大街, Montclair, New Jersey (parking Available in the Red Hawk Deck)

此活动免费. To RSVP, please contact Healing Arts at 973-660-3533 或电子邮件: healingarts@atlantichealth.org
For more information about Healing Arts or the Healing Voices Literary Contest please visit atlantichealth.org/healingarts 或电子邮件: healingarts@atlantichealth.org.

Arts and 健康 Panel Discussion and Networking Event 2016


On April 25, Students, faculty and professionals in the arts & health field attended a panel discussion entitled Defining the Field: the Arts for Healing and Creative Arts Therapies.

The morning began with a networking session followed by a panel discussion. The discussion centered on understanding the creative arts therapies versus the field of arts and health and defining the differences and educational requirements that exist in both disciplines.

The panel included two 十大博彩推荐排名州立 faculty and administrators, Dr. Brian Abrams, Associate Professor of Music and Dr. 克里斯汀Lemesianou, Associate Director of the 传播与媒体学院 as well as others distinguished in the field. The program closed with a short information session about the 文科毕业证书 & 健康 哪所学校将在今年秋季招收第一批学生.

The program was co sponsored by 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 艺术学院, the Healing Arts program at Atlantic 健康 System, 艺术联盟 & 健康 New Jersey, a program of ArtPride New Jersey and the NJ State Council on the Arts.

Atlantic 健康 System and 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 艺术学院 Announce the 4th 年度治愈之声文学大赛.


Write a poem, essay or short story highlighting the theme of kindness

  • All works should be no longer than 500 words or one page in length.
  • All entries must be typed in 12 point New Times Roman font.
  • All work must be submitted digitally as a Word document.
  • 每位作者不得超过三篇文章.
  • All entries must be original works and not have been previously published.

本次比赛面向全体员工开放, 志愿者, and medical 工作人员 members of Atlantic 健康 System and all faculty, 工作人员, 以及十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的学生.

奖品将颁发给1名st, 2nd 和3rd 的地方. Additional merit awards may be given in special categories.

Contest winners and participants will have the opportunity to share their writing in a public forum on June 1, 2016 in the L 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学霍华德福克斯剧院.


请将参赛作品发送至: healingarts@atlantichealth.org







2015年4月1日- 27日

专业艺术家创作, each of whom has worked with the Center’s member artists, this exhibition includes ten life sized chairs as art/sculpture objects.  The chairs represent our commitment/belief that every person is entitled to a “seat at the table”– in our community and our family lives.  为了配合PEAK表演活动 三张相联 by Heidi Latsky Dance (April 16-19) For more information please visit the website:  www.jsddmetrowest.org/programs-services/wae-center/chairs-of-inclusion/


Atlantic 健康 System and 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学’s

本次比赛面向全体员工开放, 志愿者, and medical 工作人员 members of Atlantic 健康 System and all faculty, 工作人员, 以及十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的学生. 请点击 在这里 注册.