


十大博彩推荐排名州立大学,我们相信打破高等教育的障碍. 我们的使命很明确:让你毕业时很少甚至没有学生债务. Our cost to value ratio is part of why we were named the top school in NJ for social mobility – and are ranked Top 10 nationwide – according to US News.

我们致力于让人们上得起大学, and we’re proud to offer two incredible programs that can help you graduate debt-free or with minimal debt:


RHAA只适用于符合条件的转学学生和新生. 2024年秋季开始招收新生, The 红鹰优势奖 provides up to four semesters of free tuition and fees to eligible New Jersey students at 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 or Bloomfield College. 如果你家庭的联邦调整后总收入(AGI)在0美元到65美元之间,000, 你的高中平均绩点是3分.0+,你有资格获得免学费和一般费用. 结合花园州担保计划, 这意味着你毕业时几乎没有债务!

This is more than an opportunity; it is an invitation to embrace your educational journey unburdened. 你的愿望, 我们的承诺——让红鹰优势奖为你的学术成功铺平道路.

资金是根据大学的年度拨款. RHAA不适用于住房和膳食费用.



  • 新泽西州居民,包括新泽西州梦想法案的学生,必须满足 NJ HESAA居住要求.
  • 必须完成FAFSA并满足所有要求吗 国家的最后期限 确定国家援助资格. 未能完成你的国家援助程序也危及你的资格为这个计划. 在网上查询你的国家援助状态 HESAA.
  • The Adjusted Gross Income is based on parent(s)’ AGI for dependent students or student/spouse income for independent students. The income establishing eligibility is based on the income reported 在FAFSA上 for the academic year in question.
  • Students must be working toward their first bachelor’s degree starting Fall 2024 and must have earned no more than 59 credits. 新生和即将转学的学生都有资格.
  • 必须在学期内注册全日制(12学分或以上). RHAA is only for fall and spring semesters and will not pay for additional credits beyond the flat rate (12-18).
  • Enroll full-time in your first or second year at 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 or Bloomfield College of 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学. This is defined as having earned 0-30 credits for first year and 31-59 earned credits for second year (credits include those earned from different institution(s) as long as Montclair/Bloomfield has accepted the credits).
  • Students must complete all verification and document request requirements with the 大学 or NJHESAA.
  • 维护 令人满意的学业进展.

您的FAFSA或新泽西州替代申请将自动考虑! 除了其中一个之外,没有其他单独的应用程序需要完成.


  • 完成你的 FAFSA 如果您还没有这样做,请立即这样做. 新泽西梦想家应该提交 NJ备选应用 在HESAA的网站上找到.
  • 学生必须提交FAFSA或新泽西州替代申请 HESAA的州拨款截止日期.
  • 学生必须提交财政援助办公室要求的任何文件.
  • 如果HESAA要求额外的文件,也必须满足提交截止日期.
  • 您还必须完成州拨款程序(提交其他文件), 如果要求), 无论是否有资格获得其他州的补助.

The RHAA grant is based on the flat rate tuition and mandatory fees (not including cents) minus all federal, 状态, 机构和外部助学金/奖学金援助.

The RHAA grant will be added to the financial aid information as students become eligible (meet all NJHESAA criteria).

No. You can be eligible as a transfer student with less than 60 credits as long as you meet all other criteria above. 一旦你获得了60个学分, you are no longer eligible for the RHAA; you may then be considered for the GSG program.

The RHAA is available to eligible students for up to four semesters total while studying in their first and second years (as defined by earned credits). 如果你休学一学期, you will receive RHAA when you return to 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 or Bloomfield College of 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 as long as you continue to meet all program requirements, 包括调整后的总收入要求.

虽然没有时间限制,以获得RHAA利益, 一旦学生获得60个或更多的大学学分, 他们不再有资格, 无论入学或学位获得状况如何.

如果你的学费因退学而调整,那么RHAA助学金可能会减少. 此部分付款计入允许的最大付款次数. 请访问此添加/删除和撤回页面了解更多信息.

是的, all credits earned that have been accepted by 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学/Bloomfield College of 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 will count towards your eligibility. 记住,你的收入必须低于60才有资格获得RHAA.

I attended college several years ago and am considering returning to finish my bachelor’s degree. 作为一个学位完成和/或成人学生,我有资格获得RHAA吗?
可以,只要你符合上面描述的项目资格标准. The RHAA is perfect for returning students and is an excellent opportunity for those students who meet the 独立的地位 作为收入准则的FAFSA标准完全基于您和您配偶的收入.

我错过了提交或完成州拨款申请的最后期限. 我还能拿到RHAA吗?
No. 错过了截止日期,您将丧失参加该学期州项目的资格. 你可能有资格申请下一个学期. 查看HESAA申请截止日期.

对于受供养的学生,只考虑父母的AGI,而不考虑学生的收入. 对于独立学生,如果适用,则考虑学生及其配偶的AGI. 请参考本学年FAFSA使用的联邦所得税申报表.

由于他们的情况,我的父母不需要提交联邦所得税申报表. 我有资格吗??
No. 只有你的父母/你和你的配偶才有资格获得0美元的AGI, 如果适用的话, 在FAFSA上注明“已提交”或“将提交”的税款. 空白AGI不符合资格.

我父母的联邦调整总收入(AGI)为负. 我有资格吗??
No. In accordance with the New Jersey Higher Education Student Assistance Authority’s (HESAA) policy, families who have negative AGIs are automatically disqualified from both the 红鹰优势奖 and the Tuition Assistance Grant programs.

由于我家庭的其他收入或资产,我没有资格获得国家补助. 我是否仍有资格获得RHAA?
RHAA计划仅基于AGI数字,不包括其他收入或资产. 它是直接的,所以家庭可以很容易地了解他们是否符合条件.

收入要求由FAFSA报告的AGI确定. 如果你是 要求包含家长信息 在FAFSA上, 所使用的AGI将是你父母的AGI, 即使你一个人住,自己养活自己.

If you meet one of the criteria to be considered an independent student 在FAFSA上 and are not 要求包含家长信息 在FAFSA上; or you are approved for a dependency status appeal by the 大学, 那么您的修订AGI将用于确定资格.

My family’s income situation has changed and the income reported 在FAFSA上 no longer accurately reflects our situation. 我有什么选择?
当家庭环境发生变化时, you may qualify to have your aid eligibility reconsidered through an appeal process known as Request for Review. 请参阅我们的 请求页面 for policy details and to submit the required documentation necessary for the income adjustment appeal.

我有奖学金和助学金,但也住在校园里. 为什么我不能用这些资金支付住房和使用RHAA支付学杂费?
The 红鹰优势奖 program is a last-dollar grant program designed to help with tuition and fees. This means that it will only provide funding when there is a tuition and fee balance due remaining after all other grants and scholarships have been applied to your bill. 在某些情况下, students receive enough free money from other sources that tuition and fees may be fully covered.

我持签证在美国. 我有资格申请RHAA吗?
Any student for whom the 大学 is legally required to charge in-状态 tuition rates is eligible for RHAA (pursuant to N.J.S.A 18A:62-4.6). 这包括持有H4签证的学生.

我有资格享受退伍军人福利. 这会影响我的RHAA吗?
No, any military tuition benefits paid to the school to cover tuition and fees are not included in the calculation for RHAA eligibility.


花园州保证 (GSG) is a financial aid program that will provide up to four semesters of free tuition at four-year New Jersey public institutions of higher education for New Jersey students enrolled in their third and fourth years of study whose family’s Adjusted Gross Income is between $0 and $65,每年000. 新泽西州的三年级和四年级学生,调整后的总收入在65美元之间,001 to $80,000 will be able to receive assistance such that their net cost for tuition and fees is no more than $7,500. 如果调整后的总收入在80美元之间,001 to $100,000, students will be able to receive assistance so their net cost for tuition and fees is no more than $10,000.


十大博彩推荐排名的其他财政援助问题,联系 redhawkcentral@hebhgkq.com. 关于布卢姆菲尔德的问题,请联系 financial_services@bloomfield.edu.

有关其他本科招生问题,请联系 msuadm@hebhgkq.com (十大博彩推荐排名学生)或者 bcadmissions@hebhgkq.com (布隆菲尔德学生).